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Identity sheet


  • Date of birth
  • Country
  • Title Arbitre
  • Participations in Festival 1989 - 1988 - 1987 - 1986 - 1985 - 1984 - 1983 - 1982 -
  • Referees Czechoslovakia - France
    Netherlands - USSR
    USSR - Hungary
    Netherlands - Hungary
    Yugoslavia - Czechoslovakia
    France - Republic of Ireland
    West Germany FRG - China
    Argentina - France
    Algeria - China
    USSR - Algeria
    Mexico - Czechoslovakia
    France - Mexico
    Ivory Coast - Mexico
    Czechoslovakia - Netherlands
    Ivory Coast - Roumania
    England - Mexico
    USSR - INF Vichy
    Belgium - Cameroun
    France - Morocco
    Bulgaria - Cameroun
    Bulgaria - Senegal
    United States - England
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