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6 June 2018

Gilles Eyquem (France head coach) : "Really happy with this first game"

Gilles Eyquem, the French coach, was delighed about the first game of his squad against Haïti (5-0).

"I'm really happy with this first game, there were some sequences of the game wich were interesting. This is what we'll face later, this is a solid opposition, and that is interesting.

I expected this commitment from Haïtian, but they have lost some energy on their team. They have more emotions, surely related to the fact of being here. That helps them to surpass themselves.

Our goal is to see new girls who didn't come last time. I called-up those young U19 who have big potential for the World Cup.

It is a good start, but we know that what awaits us afterwards will be difficult. We know that we'll have to be present on physical level. 

We will try to double our effort and to cause some problems to the teams. We'll be physically ready against Americans".