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Highlights of the tournament

West Germany FRG (1983)

The players

0VOLLBORN Rüdiger Born on 12 February 1963
0STORCK Bernd Born on 25 January 1963
0LOOSE Ralf Born on 05 January 1963
0PLATH Manfred Born on 12 December 1961
0METSCHIES Ulf Born on 22 September 1963
0BRUNNER Thomas Born on 10 August 1962
0SCHÖN Alfred Born on 12 January 1962
0FALKENMAYER Ralf Born on 11 February 1963
0QUAISSER Olf Born on 12 October 1962
0HERBST Thomas Born on 05 October 1962
0BRUMMER Axel Born on 25 November 1961
0SCHÄFER Günther Born on 09 June 1962
0REICHERT Peter Born on 04 August 1961
0WOHLFARTH Roland Born on 11 January 1963
0ZIMMERMANN Uwe Born on 11 February 1962
0NEUBARTH Frank Born on 29 July 1962

Managers and technical staff

Berti Vogts Manager

The Festival in video

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